Brazilians over 18 years old residing abroad must fulfill their electoral obligations (enrolling and voting). These are optional for those between 16 and 18, over 70 and illiterate.  

For those who have electoral domicile abroad (External Electoral District), voting is required only in elections for president and vice president of the Republic.  

If you are out of your electoral domicile on election day or unable to attend the voting, you must justify your absence. These are some options for that, such as: (i) the e-Título app; (ii) the Justifica app; or (iii) the Application for Electoral Justification (post-election), addressed to the Judge of the Electoral District (see Electoral services abroad/Electoral justification abroad).  

 Those who, although residing abroad, maintain their electoral domicile in a Brazilian municipality are still obliged to vote in all elections, and must therefore justify their absence from the polls while abroad.   

 Voting abroad is managed by the Regional Electoral Court of the Federal District, with the support of the Ministry of International Relations.   

 To establish a polling station abroad, the Electoral Code requires a minimum number of 30 voters. Diplomatic missions or consular offices will communicate to voters living abroad about the time and location for voting. Furthermore, for a polling station to use an electronic voting machine, it must have at least 100 voters.  

 Foreign Electoral Zone (ZZ): supports Brazilian who have electoral domicile abroad and Brazilians residing abroad who intend to enroll or transfer their registrations to other countries:  

 Address: SHIS Qi 13 Lt i - Lago Sul – ZIP Code 71.635-181  


Voter Call Center (Monday to Friday (weekdays), from 12 pm to 7 pm):  

Call Center/Customer Service: (+55) (61) 3048-4000.